Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Installing ImageMagick 6.3.8 on a cPanel Server

This tutorial will give you a little step by step manual of how to upgrade and properly install ImageMagick on you cPanel server without having to manually compile Apache

Firstly we need to talke notice that the new easyApache version 3 does not incude ImageMagick as an additional install option in PHP, so here are the steps we performed to get that magic wand happening again.

1/ downolad ImageMagic 6.3.8. onto your server by using

wget ftp://ftp.imagemagick.org/pub/ImageMagick/ImageMagick-6.4.3-6.zip
unzip ImageMagick-6.4.3-6.zip

go into the directory

cd ImageMagick-6.4.3-6

the default should be fine , but you can always check other options here Install-unix.txt
anyways, default install is simple

make install

Both of the commands can take a little while , but either way this should have installed ImageMagick 6.3.8 now. And now to finish the process

cd PerlMagick/
perl Makefile.PL
make install

BUT HOLD ON, this is not it yet!

We need to get it locked into PHP !
The new WHM has a fantastic utility to complete the task.

Log into WHM >> Software >> Module Installers >> PHP Pecl and install imagick to get the whole thing binding into PHP and making your applications gell ! :)

Below you can find a pic in WHM

That should be it, if by any chance you hot a problem with a 64 bit OS and WHM can not find imagick then install it manually, by following the steps below

Firstly install ImageMagick-devel

yum -y install ImageMagick-devel

Assuming ImageMagick-devel is installed, you need to download the Imagick PHP extensions, located here: http://pecl.php.net/package/imagick

Latest version, as of this post, is imagick-2.2.0
wget http://pecl.php.net/get/imagick-2.2.0.tgz

Place this package in your home directory. Then, in a shell console, type

tar -zxvf imagick-2.2.0

while in the home directory (don't type the quotes)

Then type the following commands:

cd imagick-2.2.0

make install

Now go back into WHM and try to activate imagick again

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