Firstly we need to talke notice that the new easyApache version 3 does not incude ImageMagick as an additional install option in PHP, so here are the steps we performed to get that magic wand happening again.
1/ downolad ImageMagic 6.3.8. onto your server by using
go into the directory
cd ImageMagick-6.4.3-6
the default should be fine , but you can always check other options here Install-unix.txt
anyways, default install is simple
make install
Both of the commands can take a little while , but either way this should have installed ImageMagick 6.3.8 now. And now to finish the process
cd PerlMagick/
perl Makefile.PL
make install
BUT HOLD ON, this is not it yet!
We need to get it locked into PHP !
The new WHM has a fantastic utility to complete the task.
Log into WHM >> Software >> Module Installers >> PHP Pecl and install imagick to get the whole thing binding into PHP and making your applications gell ! :)
Below you can find a pic in WHM
That should be it, if by any chance you hot a problem with a 64 bit OS and WHM can not find imagick then install it manually, by following the steps below
Firstly install ImageMagick-devel
yum -y install ImageMagick-devel
Assuming ImageMagick-devel is installed, you need to download the Imagick PHP extensions, located here:
Latest version, as of this post, is imagick-2.2.0
Place this package in your home directory. Then, in a shell console, type
tar -zxvf imagick-2.2.0
while in the home directory (don't type the quotes)
Then type the following commands:
cd imagick-2.2.0
make install
Now go back into WHM and try to activate imagick again